Can Unions Surge in Post-Pandemic America?
Millions of generally ignored workers are now hailed as heroes. But it will take millennial-led militance to translate this newfound esteem into palpable gains. An
Millions of generally ignored workers are now hailed as heroes. But it will take millennial-led militance to translate this newfound esteem into palpable gains. An
“Should I buy a Chromebook?” is a question that is asked with increasing frequency by both Union Offices and Training Centers looking to reduce their
The National Labor Relations Board finalized a rule this week that critics warn could make unionizing “nearly impossible for workers” at a moment when employees across the
Working People’s Demands in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic AFL-CIO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL STATEMENT COVID-19 has now been declared a pandemic, and the disease is
Perhaps, when we get to the light at the end of the tunnel, the American People will realize that they had sold their country out
Investing in technology is top of mind for small offices — with 44% saying they plan to invest in resources related to the Internet of
Union Built PC Inc. Coronavirus and the Effects on Labor Labor Unions are asking Employers to extend sick leave Flight Attendants seeing financial
The right of workers to withhold their labor — to strike — is among the most important of human rights. No society can truly claim
Union Built PC has written extensively and has sounded the warning about a Republican controlled National Labor Relations Board gone rogue. The Directives issued to
In Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 368 NLRB No. 146 (Dec. 16, 2019), the NLRB applied its new view on handbook rules—the Boeing test—to Wal-Mart’s policy that employees can only
The House voted Feb. 6 to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, a bill lead sponsor Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) The vote
Gabrielle “Gay” Semel is a retired union-side labor lawyer. She was District Counsel to District 1 of the Communications Workers in New York for more
Artificial intelligence aims to replace the human mind, not simply make industry more efficient. Robots have transformed industrial manufacturing, and now they are being rolled
CWA files on behalf of former Googlers, saying company engaged in unlawful conduct Google engaged in unlawful conduct and unfair labor practices that included firing
In County of Warren v. PBA Local 331, the NJ Appellate Division affirmed a lower court decision setting aside an arbitrator’s award in favor of the
The PRO Act was introduced by Senator Murray and Representative Scott to give workers more bargaining power on the job. The present law gives employers
The American Civil War divided the country, citizen against citizen, brother against brother. It cost the lives of 620,000 Americans with millions more injured. The
For the past 3 years, thanks to the present administration, Labor has been under attack from Republican appointees on the National Labor Relations Board. Trump
Founded by Donald Conrad CEO, who has over 36 years’ experience within the financial services industry. Conrad Capital Management’s goal is to deliver the highest
Recently, nineteen Democrats running for president gathered at a forum in Las Vegas and pledged their support for public service employees and their collective bargaining
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