Despite the severity of contamination and the many, many warnings, it would take years before officials did anything. The lack of response was so egregious that The New York Times editorial board described it as “depraved indifference,” suggesting there was “little doubt” that a richer, whiter community would ever have to face such negligence.
“If I was a parent up there, I would be beside myself,” President Barack Obama said during a visit to Michigan earlier this month.
But amidst all the hand-wringing, two questions are still largely unanswered by officials: How could this go on for so long? And who was ultimately responsible?
Jim Chase of Work in Progress and Retiree of Teamsters Local 406 joins Charles Showalter of The Union Edge – Labor’s Talk Radio – to discuss the new details emerging surrounding the Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan and the latest developments as more information is becoming available to the public.
Since 2008, The Union Edge has led robust but respectful discussions on issues that affect working and middle class families – education, voting, healthcare, employment rights, community activism and more. Host Charles Showalter and co-hosts Angela Baughman and Brittany Sheets interview citizen group leaders, international union presidents, labor historians, environmental experts, activists and reporters of all kinds, discussing breaking news and top issues that impact day to day life.